* Clone [wisemapping-open-source](https://github.com/wisemapping/wisemapping-open-source/) and [wisemapping-frontend](https://github.com/wisemapping/wisemapping-frontend/) at the same top level directory
A quick and dirty solution to share changes in the UI is to manually compile the dist. This will make the loader file available without the need to publish:
Individual test result reports can be found in wisemapping-open-source/wise-webapp/target/failsafe-reports/index.html
Test coverage report of unit and integration test can be found in wisemapping-open-source/wise-webapp/target/site/jacoco and wisemapping-open-source/wise-webapp/target/site/jacoco-it folders. Coverage report is generated in the verify phase of [lifecicle](https://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-lifecycle.html#introduction-to-the-build-lifecyclea) using [jacoco](https://www.jacoco.org/jacoco/trunk/doc/maven.html)
*`security.oauth2.google.callbackUrl`: url where google will redirect after user authentication, tipically {frontendBaseUrl}/c/registration-google. Also, this url must be defined in google app configuration
*`security.oauth2.google.clientId`: client id from google app
*`security.oauth2.google.clientSecret`: client secret from google app
You must create a Google Application in [Google Cloud](https://console.cloud.google.com) and complete all the information required by Google. Here are the most important properties.
Oauth consent screen
* Authorized domains: wisemapping domain (ex: wisemapping.com), and you can add domains of other environments if needed
* Test users: emails for testing, those can be used before the application is validated by Google
After that, in Credentials, you must create an `Oauth Client Id` credential
* Authorized JavaScript origins: list of authorized domains from which to redirect to Google. Ex: `https://wisemaping.com`, `https://wisemapping-testing.com:8080`
* Authorized redirect URIs: list of allowed urls to which google will redirect after authenticating . Ex: `https://wisemaping.com/c/registration-google`, `https://wisemapping-testing.com:8080/c/registration-google`
After credential was created, Google will show you the clientId and clientSecret to configure your application. For productive applications, you must **publish** your application, this is a validation process with Google.