@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
* Copyright [2011] [wisemapping]
* Licensed under WiseMapping Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License").
* It is basically the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") plus the
* "powered by wisemapping" text requirement on every single page;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the license at
* http://www.wisemapping.org/license
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* MooRainbow
* @version 1.0
* @license MIT-style license
* @author w00fz - < w00fzIT [at] gmail.com >
* @infos http://w00fz.altervista.org/mooRainbow
* @copyright Author
* Lot of thanks also to kamicane, tomocchino, ibolmo, Inviz.
var MooRainbow = new Class({
options: {
id: 'mooRainbow',
prefix: 'moor-',
imgPath: 'images/',
startColor: [255, 0, 0],
wheel: false,
onComplete: Class.empty,
onChange: Class.empty
initialize: function(el, options) {
this.element = $(el);
if (!this.element) return;
this.sliderPos = 0;
this.pickerPos = {x: 0, y: 0};
this.backupColor = this.options.startColor;
this.currentColor = this.options.startColor;
this.sets = {
rgb: [],
hsb: [],
hex: []
this.pickerClick = this.sliderClick = false;
if (!this.layout) this.doLayout();
if (this.options.wheel) this.wheelEvents();
this.element.addEvent('click', function(e) {
this.layout.overlay.setStyle('background-color', this.options.startColor.rgbToHex());
this.layout.backup.setStyle('background-color', this.backupColor.rgbToHex());
this.pickerPos.x = this.snippet('curPos').l + this.snippet('curSize', 'int').w;
this.pickerPos.y = this.snippet('curPos').t + this.snippet('curSize', 'int').h;
this.pickerPos.x = this.snippet('curPos').l + this.snippet('curSize', 'int').w;
this.pickerPos.y = this.snippet('curPos').t + this.snippet('curSize', 'int').h;
this.sliderPos = this.snippet('arrPos') - this.snippet('arrSize', 'int');
if (window.khtml) this.hide();
toggle: function() {
this[this.visible ? 'hide' : 'show']()
show: function() {
this.fireEvent('onInit', [this.sets, this]);
this.layout.setStyle('display', 'block');
this.visible = true;
hide: function() {
this.layout.setStyles({'display': 'none'});
this.visible = false;
manualSet: function(color, type) {
if (!type || (type != 'hsb' && type != 'hex')) type = 'rgb';
var rgb, hsb, hex;
if (type == 'rgb') {
rgb = color;
hsb = color.rgbToHsb();
hex = color.rgbToHex();
else if (type == 'hsb') {
hsb = color;
rgb = color.hsbToRgb();
hex = rgb.rgbToHex();
else {
hex = color;
rgb = color.hexToRgb();
hsb = rgb.rgbToHsb();
autoSet: function(hsb) {
var curH = this.snippet('curSize', 'int').h;
var curW = this.snippet('curSize', 'int').w;
var oveH = this.layout.overlay.height;
var oveW = this.layout.overlay.width;
var sliH = this.layout.slider.height;
var arwH = this.snippet('arrSize', 'int');
var hue;
var posx = Math.round(((oveW * hsb[1]) / 100) - curW);
var posy = Math.round(- ((oveH * hsb[2]) / 100) + oveH - curH);
var c = Math.round(((sliH * hsb[0]) / 360));
c = (c == 360) ? 0 : c;
var position = sliH - c + this.snippet('slider') - arwH;
hue = [this.sets.hsb[0], 100, 100].hsbToRgb().rgbToHex();
this.layout.cursor.setStyles({'top': posy, 'left': posx});
this.layout.arrows.setStyle('top', position);
this.layout.overlay.setStyle('background-color', hue);
this.sliderPos = this.snippet('arrPos') - arwH;
this.pickerPos.x = this.snippet('curPos').l + curW;
this.pickerPos.y = this.snippet('curPos').t + curH;
setMooRainbow: function(color, type) {
if (!type || (type != 'hsb' && type != 'hex')) type = 'rgb';
var rgb, hsb, hex;
if (type == 'rgb') {
rgb = color;
hsb = color.rgbToHsb();
hex = color.rgbToHex();
else if (type == 'hsb') {
hsb = color;
rgb = color.hsbToRgb();
hex = rgb.rgbToHex();
else {
hex = color;
rgb = color.hexToRgb();
hsb = rgb.rgbToHsb();
this.sets = {
rgb: rgb,
hsb: hsb,
hex: hex
if (!$defined(this.pickerPos.x))
this.RedInput.value = rgb[0];
this.GreenInput.value = rgb[1];
this.BlueInput.value = rgb[2];
this.HueInput.value = hsb[0];
this.SatuInput.value = hsb[1];
this.BrighInput.value = hsb[2];
this.hexInput.value = hex;
this.currentColor = rgb;
this.chooseColor.setStyle('background-color', rgb.rgbToHex());
parseColors: function(x, y, z) {
var s = Math.round((x * 100) / this.layout.overlay.width);
var b = 100 - Math.round((y * 100) / this.layout.overlay.height);
var h = 360 - Math.round((z * 360) / this.layout.slider.height) + this.snippet('slider') - this.snippet('arrSize', 'int');
h -= this.snippet('arrSize', 'int');
h = (h >= 360) ? 0 : (h < 0) ? 0 : h;
s = (s > 100) ? 100 : (s < 0) ? 0 : s;
b = (b > 100) ? 100 : (b < 0) ? 0 : b;
return [h, s, b];
OverlayEvents: function() {
var lim, curH, curW, inputs;
curH = this.snippet('curSize', 'int').h;
curW = this.snippet('curSize', 'int').w;
inputs = this.arrRGB.clone().concat(this.arrHSB, this.hexInput);
document.addEvent('click', function() {
if (this.visible) this.hide(this.layout);
inputs.each(function(el) {
el.addEvent('keydown', this.eventKeydown.bindWithEvent(this, el));
el.addEvent('keyup', this.eventKeyup.bindWithEvent(this, el));
}, this);
[this.element, this.layout].each(function(el) {
'click': function(e) {
new Event(e).stop();
'keyup': function(e) {
e = new Event(e);
if (e.key == 'esc' && this.visible) this.hide(this.layout);
}, this);
}, this);
lim = {
x: [0 - curW, (this.layout.overlay.width - curW)],
y: [0 - curH, (this.layout.overlay.height - curH)]
this.layout.drag = new Drag(this.layout.cursor, {
limit: lim,
onStart: this.overlayDrag.bind(this),
onDrag: this.overlayDrag.bind(this),
snap: 0
this.layout.overlay2.addEvent('mousedown', function(e) {
e = new Event(e);
'top': e.page.y - this.layout.overlay.getTop() - curH,
'left': e.page.x - this.layout.overlay.getLeft() - curW
this.okButton.addEvent('click', function() {
if (this.currentColor == this.options.startColor) {
this.fireEvent('onComplete', [this.sets, this]);
else {
this.backupColor = this.currentColor;
this.layout.backup.setStyle('background-color', this.backupColor.rgbToHex());
this.fireEvent('onComplete', [this.sets, this]);
overlayDrag: function() {
var curH = this.snippet('curSize', 'int').h;
var curW = this.snippet('curSize', 'int').w;
this.pickerPos.x = this.snippet('curPos').l + curW;
this.pickerPos.y = this.snippet('curPos').t + curH;
this.setMooRainbow(this.parseColors(this.pickerPos.x, this.pickerPos.y, this.sliderPos), 'hsb');
this.fireEvent('onChange', [this.sets, this]);
sliderEvents: function() {
var arwH = this.snippet('arrSize', 'int'), lim;
lim = [0 + this.snippet('slider') - arwH, this.layout.slider.height - arwH + this.snippet('slider')];
this.layout.sliderDrag = new Drag(this.layout.arrows, {
limit: {y: lim},
modifiers: {x: false},
onStart: this.sliderDrag.bind(this),
onDrag: this.sliderDrag.bind(this),
snap: 0
this.layout.slider.addEvent('mousedown', function(e) {
e = new Event(e);
'top', e.page.y - this.layout.slider.getTop() + this.snippet('slider') - arwH
sliderDrag: function() {
var arwH = this.snippet('arrSize', 'int'), hue;
this.sliderPos = this.snippet('arrPos') - arwH;
this.setMooRainbow(this.parseColors(this.pickerPos.x, this.pickerPos.y, this.sliderPos), 'hsb');
hue = [this.sets.hsb[0], 100, 100].hsbToRgb().rgbToHex();
this.layout.overlay.setStyle('background-color', hue);
this.fireEvent('onChange', [this.sets, this]);
backupEvent: function() {
this.layout.backup.addEvent('click', function() {
this.fireEvent('onChange', [this.sets, this]);
wheelEvents: function() {
var arrColors = this.arrRGB.clone().extend(this.arrHSB);
arrColors.each(function(el) {
'mousewheel': this.eventKeys.bindWithEvent(this, el),
'keydown': this.eventKeys.bindWithEvent(this, el)
}, this);
[this.layout.arrows, this.layout.slider].each(function(el) {
'mousewheel': this.eventKeys.bindWithEvent(this, [this.arrHSB[0], 'slider']),
'keydown': this.eventKeys.bindWithEvent(this, [this.arrHSB[0], 'slider'])
}, this);
eventKeys: function(e, el, id) {
var wheel, type;
id = (!id) ? el.id : this.arrHSB[0];
if (e.type == 'keydown') {
if (e.key == 'up') wheel = 1;
else if (e.key == 'down') wheel = -1;
else return;
} else if (e.type == Element.Events.mousewheel.type) wheel = (e.wheel > 0) ? 1 : -1;
if (this.arrRGB.test(el)) type = 'rgb';
else if (this.arrHSB.test(el)) type = 'hsb';
else type = 'hsb';
if (type == 'rgb') {
var rgb = this.sets.rgb, hsb = this.sets.hsb, prefix = this.options.prefix, pass;
var value = el.value.toInt() + wheel;
value = (value > 255) ? 255 : (value < 0) ? 0 : value;
switch (el.className) {
case prefix + 'rInput': pass = [value, rgb[1], rgb[2]]; break;
case prefix + 'gInput': pass = [rgb[0], value, rgb[2]]; break;
case prefix + 'bInput': pass = [rgb[0], rgb[1], value]; break;
default : pass = rgb;
this.fireEvent('onChange', [this.sets, this]);
} else {
var rgb = this.sets.rgb, hsb = this.sets.hsb, prefix = this.options.prefix, pass;
var value = el.value.toInt() + wheel;
if (el.className.test(/(HueInput)/)) value = (value > 359) ? 0 : (value < 0) ? 0 : value;
else value = (value > 100) ? 100 : (value < 0) ? 0 : value;
switch (el.className) {
case prefix + 'HueInput': pass = [value, hsb[1], hsb[2]]; break;
case prefix + 'SatuInput': pass = [hsb[0], value, hsb[2]]; break;
case prefix + 'BrighInput': pass = [hsb[0], hsb[1], value]; break;
default : pass = hsb;
this.manualSet(pass, 'hsb');
this.fireEvent('onChange', [this.sets, this]);
eventKeydown: function(e, el) {
var n = e.code, k = e.key;
if ((!el.className.test(/hexInput/) && !(n >= 48 && n <= 57)) &&
(k != 'backspace' && k != 'tab' && k != 'delete' && k != 'left' && k != 'right'))
eventKeyup: function(e, el) {
var n = e.code, k = e.key, pass, prefix, chr = el.value.charAt(0);
if (!$defined(el.value)) return;
if (el.className.test(/hexInput/)) {
if (chr != "#" && el.value.length != 6) return;
if (chr == '#' && el.value.length != 7) return;
} else {
if (!(n >= 48 && n <= 57) && (!['backspace', 'tab', 'delete', 'left', 'right'].test(k)) && el.value.length > 3) return;
prefix = this.options.prefix;
if (el.className.test(/(rInput|gInput|bInput)/)) {
if (el.value < 0 || el.value > 255) return;
switch (el.className) {
case prefix + 'rInput': pass = [el.value, this.sets.rgb[1], this.sets.rgb[2]]; break;
case prefix + 'gInput': pass = [this.sets.rgb[0], el.value, this.sets.rgb[2]]; break;
case prefix + 'bInput': pass = [this.sets.rgb[0], this.sets.rgb[1], el.value]; break;
default : pass = this.sets.rgb;
this.fireEvent('onChange', [this.sets, this]);
else if (!el.className.test(/hexInput/)) {
if (el.className.test(/HueInput/) && el.value < 0 || el.value > 360) return;
else if (el.className.test(/HueInput/) && el.value == 360) el.value = 0;
else if (el.className.test(/(SatuInput|BrighInput)/) && el.value < 0 || el.value > 100) return;
switch (el.className) {
case prefix + 'HueInput': pass = [el.value, this.sets.hsb[1], this.sets.hsb[2]]; break;
case prefix + 'SatuInput': pass = [this.sets.hsb[0], el.value, this.sets.hsb[2]]; break;
case prefix + 'BrighInput': pass = [this.sets.hsb[0], this.sets.hsb[1], el.value]; break;
default : pass = this.sets.hsb;
this.manualSet(pass, 'hsb');
this.fireEvent('onChange', [this.sets, this]);
} else {
pass = el.value.hexToRgb(true);
if (isNaN(pass[0]) || isNaN(pass[1]) || isNaN(pass[2])) return;
if ($defined(pass)) {
this.fireEvent('onChange', [this.sets, this]);
doLayout: function() {
var id = this.options.id, prefix = this.options.prefix;
var idPrefix = id + ' .' + prefix;
this.layout = new Element('div', {
'styles': {'display': 'block', 'position': 'absolute'},
'id': id
var box = new Element('div', {
'styles': {'position': 'relative'},
'class': prefix + 'box'
var div = new Element('div', {
'styles': {'position': 'absolute', 'overflow': 'hidden'},
'class': prefix + 'overlayBox'
var ar = new Element('div', {
'styles': {'position': 'absolute', 'zIndex': 1},
'class': prefix + 'arrows'
ar.width = ar.getStyle('width').toInt();
ar.height = ar.getStyle('height').toInt();
var ov = new Element('img', {
'styles': {'background-color': '#fff', 'position': 'relative', 'zIndex': 2},
'src': this.options.imgPath + 'moor_woverlay.png',
'class': prefix + 'overlay'
var ov2 = new Element('img', {
'styles': {'position': 'absolute', 'top': 0, 'left': 0, 'zIndex': 2},
'src': this.options.imgPath + 'moor_boverlay.png',
'class': prefix + 'overlay'
if (window.ie6) {
div.setStyle('overflow', '');
var src = ov.src;
ov.src = this.options.imgPath + 'blank.gif';
ov.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + src + "', sizingMethod='scale')";
src = ov2.src;
ov2.src = this.options.imgPath + 'blank.gif';
ov2.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + src + "', sizingMethod='scale')";
ov.width = ov2.width = div.getStyle('width').toInt();
ov.height = ov2.height = div.getStyle('height').toInt();
var cr = new Element('div', {
'styles': {'overflow': 'hidden', 'position': 'absolute', 'zIndex': 2},
'class': prefix + 'cursor'
cr.width = cr.getStyle('width').toInt();
cr.height = cr.getStyle('height').toInt();
var sl = new Element('img', {
'styles': {'position': 'absolute', 'z-index': 2},
'src': this.options.imgPath + 'moor_slider.png',
'class': prefix + 'slider'
this.layout.slider = sl;
//$E('#' + idPrefix + 'slider');
sl.width = sl.getStyle('width').toInt();
sl.height = sl.getStyle('height').toInt();
new Element('div', {
'styles': {'position': 'absolute'},
'class': prefix + 'colorBox'
var chooseColor = new Element('div', {
'styles': {'zIndex': 2, 'position': 'absolute'},
'class': prefix + 'chooseColor'
this.layout.backup = new Element('div', {
'styles': {'zIndex': 2, 'position': 'absolute', 'cursor': 'pointer'},
'class': prefix + 'currentColor'
var R = new Element('label').inject(box).setStyle('position', 'absolute');
var G = R.clone().inject(box).addClass(prefix + 'gLabel').appendText('G: ');
var B = R.clone().inject(box).addClass(prefix + 'bLabel').appendText('B: ');
R.appendText('R: ').addClass(prefix + 'rLabel');
var inputR = new Element('input');
var inputG = inputR.clone().inject(G).addClass(prefix + 'gInput');
var inputB = inputR.clone().inject(B).addClass(prefix + 'bInput');
inputR.inject(R).addClass(prefix + 'rInput');
var HU = new Element('label').inject(box).setStyle('position', 'absolute');
var SA = HU.clone().inject(box).addClass(prefix + 'SatuLabel').appendText('S: ');
var BR = HU.clone().inject(box).addClass(prefix + 'BrighLabel').appendText('B: ');
HU.appendText('H: ').addClass(prefix + 'HueLabel');
var inputHU = new Element('input');
var inputSA = inputHU.clone().inject(SA).addClass(prefix + 'SatuInput');
var inputBR = inputHU.clone().inject(BR).addClass(prefix + 'BrighInput');
inputHU.inject(HU).addClass(prefix + 'HueInput');
SA.appendText(' %');
BR.appendText(' %');
var spanElem = new Element('span', {'styles': {'position': 'absolute'}, 'class': prefix + 'ballino'});
spanElem.innerHTML = " °";
var inputHex = new Element('input').addClass(prefix + 'hexInput');
var hex = new Element('label').inject(box).setStyle('position', 'absolute').addClass(prefix + 'hexLabel').appendText('#hex: ').adopt(inputHex);
var ok = new Element('input', {
'styles': {'position': 'absolute'},
'type': 'button',
'value': 'Select',
'class': prefix + 'okButton'
var overlays = $$('#' + idPrefix + 'overlay');
this.layout.overlay = ov;
this.layout.overlay2 = ov2;
this.layout.cursor = cr;
//$E('#' + idPrefix + 'cursor');
this.layout.arrows = ar;
//$E('#' + idPrefix + 'arrows');
this.chooseColor = chooseColor;
//$E('#' + idPrefix + 'chooseColor');
//this.layout.backup = $E('#' + idPrefix + 'currentColor');
this.RedInput = inputR;
//$E('#' + idPrefix + 'rInput');
this.GreenInput = inputG;
//$E('#' + idPrefix + 'gInput');
this.BlueInput = inputB;
//$E('#' + idPrefix + 'bInput');
this.HueInput = inputHU;
//$E('#' + idPrefix + 'HueInput');
this.SatuInput = inputSA;
//$E('#' + idPrefix + 'SatuInput');
this.BrighInput = inputBR;
//$E('#' + idPrefix + 'BrighInput');
this.hexInput = inputHex;
//$E('#' + idPrefix + 'hexInput');
this.arrRGB = [this.RedInput, this.GreenInput, this.BlueInput];
this.arrHSB = [this.HueInput, this.SatuInput, this.BrighInput];
this.okButton = ok;
//$E('#' + idPrefix + 'okButton');
if (!window.khtml) this.hide();
rePosition: function() {
var coords = this.element.getCoordinates();
'left': coords.left,
'top': coords.top + coords.height + 1
snippet: function(mode, type) {
var size;
type = (type) ? type : 'none';
switch (mode) {
case 'arrPos':
var t = this.layout.arrows.getStyle('top').toInt();
size = t;
case 'arrSize':
var h = this.layout.arrows.height;
h = (type == 'int') ? (h / 2).toInt() : h;
size = h;
case 'curPos':
var l = this.layout.cursor.getStyle('left').toInt();
var t = this.layout.cursor.getStyle('top').toInt();
size = {'l': l, 't': t};
case 'slider':
var t = this.layout.slider.getStyle('marginTop').toInt();
size = t;
default :
var h = this.layout.cursor.height;
var w = this.layout.cursor.width;
h = (type == 'int') ? (h / 2).toInt() : h;
w = (type == 'int') ? (w / 2).toInt() : w;
size = {w: w, h: h};
return size;
MooRainbow.implement(new Options);
MooRainbow.implement(new Events);