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Paulo Gustavo Veiga 2014-01-08 23:21:30 +00:00
parent 9f6ba0b19c
commit 751157815e
1 changed files with 0 additions and 106 deletions

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@ -5,112 +5,6 @@
The goal of this project is to provide a high quality product that can be deployed by educational and academic institutions, private and public companies and anyone who needs to have a mindmapping application. WiseMapping is based on the same code source supporting More info: The goal of this project is to provide a high quality product that can be deployed by educational and academic institutions, private and public companies and anyone who needs to have a mindmapping application. WiseMapping is based on the same code source supporting More info:
## Compiling and Running
### Prerequisites
The following products must be installed:
* Java Development Kit 7 or higher (
* Maven 2.2.1 or higher (
### Compiling
WiseMapping uses Maven as packaging and project management. The project is composed of 4 maven sub-modules:
* core-js: Utilities JavaScript libraries
* web2d: JavaScript 2D SVG abstraction library used by the mind map editor
* mindplot: JavaScript mind map designer core
* wise-webapp: J2EE web application
Full compilation of the project can be done executing within <project-dir>:
`mvn clean install`
Once this command is execute, the file <project-dir>/wise-webapp/target/wisemapping.war will be generated.
### Testing
The previously generated war can be deployed locally executing within the directory <project-dir>/wise-webapp the following command:
`mvn jetty:run`
This will start the application on the URL: http://localhost:8080. Additionally, a file based database is automatically populated with a test user.
Pass: test
## Running the JS only version
Start by creating the .zip file:
`mvn assembly:assembly -Dmaven.test.skip=true`
To test the javascript frontend you then do:
ruby -rwebrick -e '>8000,:DocumentRoot=>".").start'
Now open a browser using the URL http://localhost:8000/wise-editor/src/main/webapp/
### Attaching drag and drop events.
1) Support for dragging TextNodes:
The following code is an example of how to add attach to the div dragImageNode the support for node dragging.
$("dragTextNode").addEvent('mousedown', function(event) {
// Create a image node ...
var mindmap = designer.getMindmap();
var node = mindmap.createNode();
node.setText("Node Text !!!!");
// Add link ...
var link = node.createFeature(, {url:""});
// Add Note ...
var note = node.createFeature(, {text:"This is a note"});
designer.addDraggedNode(event, node);
In the example, a new node is created with text "Node Text !!!!" and a note and a link associated to it when the user drop the node. Something to pay attention is the node.setMetadata("{}"), this delegated will be persisted during the serialization. Here you can store all the data you need.
2) Support for dragging Images: Similar to the point 1,drag support is registered to the div dragImageNode.
$("dragImageNode").addEvent('mousedown', function(event) {
// Create a image node ...
var mindmap = designer.getMindmap();
var node = mindmap.createNode();
node.setImageSize(80, 43);
designer.addDraggedNode(event, node);
The node.setShapeType(mindplot.model.TopicShape.IMAGE) defines a image node. This makes mandatory the set of setImageUrl and setImageSize properties in the node.
3) An event registration mechanism for Image nodes edit events: The next snipped show how to register a custom edition handler.
designer.addEvent("editnode", function(event) {
var node = event.model;
alert("Node Id:" + node.getId());
alert("Node Metadata:" + node.getMetadata());
alert("Is Read Only:" + event.readOnly);
} });
## Author ## Author