More tests fixed.

Paulo Gustavo Veiga 2024-02-03 14:51:59 -08:00
parent 51e2732ae2
commit 80c30daece
4 changed files with 41 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ spring.sql.init.mode=always

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public class RestAccountControllerTest {
private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
static public RestAccountControllerTest create(@NotNull TestRestTemplate restTemplate) {
static public RestAccountControllerTest create(@NotNull TestRestTemplate restTemplate) {
final RestAccountControllerTest result = new RestAccountControllerTest();
result.restTemplate = restTemplate;
return result;
@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ public class RestAccountControllerTest {
result = findUserByEmail(requestHeaders, templateRest, restUser.getEmail());
assertEquals(result.getBody().getEmail(), restUser.getEmail(), "Returned object object seems not be the same.");
// Assign generated id ...
return restUser;

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.boot.test.web.client.TestRestTemplate;
import org.springframework.http.*;
import org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException;
import org.springframework.web.util.DefaultUriBuilderFactory;

View File

@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ import;
import static;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
@SpringBootTest(classes = {RestAppConfig.class, CommonConfig.class, MindmapController.class, AdminController.class, UserController.class}, webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT)
//@SpringBootTest(classes = {RestAppConfig.class, CommonConfig.class, MindmapController.class, AdminController.class, UserController.class}, webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT)
public class RestMindmapControllerTest {
private RestUser user;
// @Autowired
private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ public class RestMindmapControllerTest {
final URI resourceUri = addNewMap(restTemplate, title1);
// Now remove it ...
final ResponseEntity<String> exchange =, HttpMethod.DELETE, null, String.class);
assertTrue(exchange.getStatusCode().is2xxSuccessful(), "Status code:" + exchange.getStatusCode());
// Check that has been removed ...
try {
@ -249,7 +250,8 @@ public class RestMindmapControllerTest {
addNewMap(secondTemplate, title2);
final TestRestTemplate superadminTemplate = this.restTemplate.withBasicAuth("", "test");
superadminTemplate.delete("/admin/users/" + secondUser.getId());
final ResponseEntity<String> exchange ="/api/restfull/admin/users/" + secondUser.getId(), HttpMethod.DELETE, null, String.class);
assertTrue(exchange.getStatusCode().is2xxSuccessful(), "Status Code:" + exchange.getStatusCode() + "- " + exchange.getBody());
// Validate that the two maps are there ...
final RestMindmapList body = fetchMaps(requestHeaders, firstUser);
@ -371,7 +373,8 @@ public class RestMindmapControllerTest {
assertEquals(responseCollbs.getCount(), 2);
// Now, remove it ...
restTemplate.delete(resourceUri + "/collabs?email=" + newCollab);
final ResponseEntity<String> exchange = + "/collabs?email=" + newCollab, HttpMethod.DELETE, null, String.class);
// Check that it has been removed ...
final ResponseEntity<RestCollaborationList> afterDeleteResponse = fetchCollabs(requestHeaders, restTemplate, resourceUri);
@ -491,7 +494,9 @@ public class RestMindmapControllerTest {
restTemplate.postForLocation("/api/restfull/maps/" + mapId + "/labels", labelEntity);
// Remove label from map
restTemplate.delete("/api/restfull//maps/" + mapId + "/labels/" + labelId);
final ResponseEntity<String> exchange ="/api/restfull//maps/" + mapId + "/labels/" + labelId, HttpMethod.DELETE, null, String.class);
Optional<RestMindmapInfo> mindmapInfo = fetchMap(requestHeaders, restTemplate, mapId);
assertEquals(0, mindmapInfo.get().getLabels().size());
@ -574,8 +579,7 @@ public class RestMindmapControllerTest {
updateEntity = new HttpEntity<>(collabs, requestHeaders);
restTemplate.postForLocation(resourceUri + "/collabs/", updateEntity);
RestCollaborationList responseCollbs = fetchAndGetCollabs(requestHeaders, restTemplate, resourceUri);
final RestCollaborationList responseCollbs = fetchAndGetCollabs(requestHeaders, restTemplate, resourceUri);
// Has been another-collaboration list updated ?
assertTrue(responseCollbs.getCollaborations().stream().anyMatch(x -> x.getEmail().equals("")));
@ -584,9 +588,8 @@ public class RestMindmapControllerTest {
public void updateProperties(final @NotNull MediaType mediaType) throws IOException, WiseMappingException {
final HttpHeaders requestHeaders = createHeaders(mediaType);
public void updateProperties() throws IOException, WiseMappingException {
final HttpHeaders requestHeaders = createHeaders(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
final TestRestTemplate restTemplate = this.restTemplate.withBasicAuth(user.getEmail(), user.getPassword());
// Create a sample map ...
@ -614,34 +617,31 @@ public class RestMindmapControllerTest {
assertEquals(response.getBody().getProperties(), mapToUpdate.getProperties());
public void batchDelete() {
final HttpHeaders requestHeaders = createHeaders(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
final TestRestTemplate restTemplate = this.restTemplate.withBasicAuth(user.getEmail(), user.getPassword());
// Create a sample map ...
final String title1 = "Batch delete map 1";
addNewMap(restTemplate, title1);
final String title2 = "Batch delete map 2";
addNewMap(restTemplate, title2);
final String maps = fetchMaps(requestHeaders, restTemplate).getMindmapsInfo().stream().map(map -> String.valueOf(map.getId())).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
final ResponseEntity<String> exchange ="/api/restfull/maps/batch?ids=" + maps , HttpMethod.DELETE, null, String.class);
assertTrue(exchange.getStatusCode().is2xxSuccessful(), "Status code:" + exchange.getStatusCode() + " - " + exchange.getBody());
// Validate that the two maps are there ...
final RestMindmapList body = fetchMaps(requestHeaders, restTemplate);
assertEquals(0, body.getMindmapsInfo().size());
// @Test(dataProviderClass = RestHelper.class, dataProvider = "ContentType-Provider-Function")
// public void batchDelete(final @NotNull MediaType mediaType) { // Configure media types ...
// final HttpHeaders requestHeaders = createHeaders(mediaType);
// final RestTemplate template = createTemplate(userEmail);
// // Create a sample map ...
// final String title1 = "Batch delete map 1";
// addNewMap(template, title1);
// final String title2 = "Batch delete map 2";
// addNewMap(template, title2);
// String maps;
// maps = fetchMaps(requestHeaders, template).getMindmapsInfo().stream().map(map -> {
// return String.valueOf(map.getId());
// }).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
// template.delete(BASE_REST_URL + "/maps/batch?ids=" + maps);
// // Validate that the two maps are there ...
// final RestMindmapList body = fetchMaps(requestHeaders, template);
// assertEquals(body.getMindmapsInfo().size(), 0);
// }
// @Test(dataProviderClass = RestHelper.class, dataProvider = "ContentType-Provider-Function")
// public void updatePublishState(final @NotNull MediaType mediaType) throws IOException, WiseMappingException { // Configure media types ...
// final HttpHeaders requestHeaders = createHeaders(mediaType);
// final RestTemplate template = createTemplate(userEmail);